Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blog #2

  • I will pay attention in class while the teacher is talking.
  • I will study all my notes and all my homework.
  • I will take notes on important topics that the teacher talks about during class.
  • I will work hard through out the course of the year in my studies, and everything else that I may do.
  • I will not talk in class while the teacher is speaking.

Agora- ancient Greek word for a marketplace, or a place where you would buy something.

Arete- a mountain ridge that is very sharp, or a sharp drop off .

Polis- was a city state in Greece.

508 BC- Athens became one of the first societies in ancient history to use democracy.

Socrates- was a Greek philosopher.

Death of Socrates- Socrates died in 399 BC.

Socratic Method- a form of discussion which stimulates critical thinking.

Idiot in Greek- a private person or layman.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ryan Waugh


August 27, 2013





My First Day at John Carroll


            My first day at John Carroll was very exciting. It was exciting when I walked through the doors of John Carroll because I realized I was starting a whole new chapter in my life. I was also ready to meet new people and move on to bigger and better things in my life. My first class was Algebra 1 where I got to meet Mrs. Kraft who happened to be a very nice lady and a very curious person. I also meet a 2 kids in her class, one was from Kenya and the other was from Canada.

My second class was Human Geography with Mr. Schick who unfortunately couldn’t be there.  From what I have heard, he seems to be a very nice and intelligent man. Also, a lot of people that I know are in that class with me. Although, there are still some new people that I have to meet.

I think I will really enjoy his class. My third class was Physical Education where I got to meet Mr. Fabriziani. I think that will be a very exciting class due to all the sports we will be doing, also, a lot of my friends are in that class. My third class was Intro to Bible where I got to meet Mr. Huber, who seemed to be a cool person. He even gave us nicknames which was cool.

My final two classes were Earth Science with Mr. Perry, and Honors Spanish 1 with Mrs. Anttanasio who were both very nice and kind people. Therefore, My first day at John Carroll went very well.