Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blog #2

  • I will pay attention in class while the teacher is talking.
  • I will study all my notes and all my homework.
  • I will take notes on important topics that the teacher talks about during class.
  • I will work hard through out the course of the year in my studies, and everything else that I may do.
  • I will not talk in class while the teacher is speaking.

Agora- ancient Greek word for a marketplace, or a place where you would buy something.

Arete- a mountain ridge that is very sharp, or a sharp drop off .

Polis- was a city state in Greece.

508 BC- Athens became one of the first societies in ancient history to use democracy.

Socrates- was a Greek philosopher.

Death of Socrates- Socrates died in 399 BC.

Socratic Method- a form of discussion which stimulates critical thinking.

Idiot in Greek- a private person or layman.

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