Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ryan Waugh


August 27, 2013





My First Day at John Carroll


            My first day at John Carroll was very exciting. It was exciting when I walked through the doors of John Carroll because I realized I was starting a whole new chapter in my life. I was also ready to meet new people and move on to bigger and better things in my life. My first class was Algebra 1 where I got to meet Mrs. Kraft who happened to be a very nice lady and a very curious person. I also meet a 2 kids in her class, one was from Kenya and the other was from Canada.

My second class was Human Geography with Mr. Schick who unfortunately couldn’t be there.  From what I have heard, he seems to be a very nice and intelligent man. Also, a lot of people that I know are in that class with me. Although, there are still some new people that I have to meet.

I think I will really enjoy his class. My third class was Physical Education where I got to meet Mr. Fabriziani. I think that will be a very exciting class due to all the sports we will be doing, also, a lot of my friends are in that class. My third class was Intro to Bible where I got to meet Mr. Huber, who seemed to be a cool person. He even gave us nicknames which was cool.

My final two classes were Earth Science with Mr. Perry, and Honors Spanish 1 with Mrs. Anttanasio who were both very nice and kind people. Therefore, My first day at John Carroll went very well.



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