Saturday, December 14, 2013

Blog #52

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we got our study guide to our Human Geo exam. From the looks it, it seems like it is going to be a relatively easy exam. I feel very confident about it because I have paid a lot of attention in class and, in my mind, have taken down very good notes. After he gave it to us, he went over all of the sections that are on it with us. I thought that he did a very good job on going over all of the sections. He gave us very detailed descriptions on what the questions are going to be like. Also, I would like to point out that this is my 52 blog. Lets take a look at the number 52 for a moment. That was a great number of a great player who used to play for the Baltimore Ravens. The mans name was Ray Lewis. I even wrote a letter to him last year which actually ended up being read on a radio station. So, everybody in Maryland who was listening to the radio at the time heard it. That is why I wanted to point that out to all of you. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. I will see you all on Monday.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blog #51

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we did not do that much, which was very nice because after you have a four day weekend, you don't really want to do that much. Over the weekend, we just so happened to get over four inches of snow which is a snowboarders heaven when you are a kid. So what do you think that I did. You guessed it, I went snowboarding with one of my good friends Garrett. I haven't seen him in about two months so it was good to see him again. We built a ramp and everything. The only downside is that on one of my runs I got hurt really bad, which, kind of sucked. Back to the point, all that we did in Mr. Schick's class today was go over a quiz that we did before we had our very long weekend. Well, that is all that we did in Mr. Schick's class. I will see you all the next time I have Human Geo.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Blog #50

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's we took a little quiz on Microfinance an Microloans. Even though I found out about it like five minutes before it was time to take it, I still got a one hundred on the quiz. Although, there was a little bit of controversy after it with a girl that is not to be named at the time of my blog. She was so mad that she even started crying in anger, which, and I know this is going to sound horrible, but it was actually pretty funny. After we took our quiz he want and graded them, which took about five or ten minutes, and that is when I found out that I got a one hundred. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all again on Monday.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blog #49

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we looked over a PowerPoint that he did on Microfinance and Microloans and what they do and what they are. He also spoke about what kind of people they help and where they are most useful, such as third world countries in Africa and all over the world. He asked us to help him with it as well. I thought that was kind of him because at least we all have a say on what goes into the PowerPoint's that he does. I have to give it to him, he makes a really good PowerPoint and a very good blog as well. After that, he talked to us briefly about the speech and debate team such as hen they practice, meet up, practice times, locations, etc. It was actually pretty interesting on what he had to say and what the speech and debate team is about. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. I will see you all on either Friday or Saturday. Bye now.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Blog #48

Ryan Waugh

       What are Microloans? Microloans are small loans that will help businesses get started.

       Who do they help? They help the people that usually would not be able to get loans.

       What does Kiva do? Kiva gives people microloans to start businesses.
       How can small businesses help the local economy? It provides good and money for the local economy.

       How are large businesses hurting little ones? Because they can buy more goods cheaper.

       What is an example of a big business? Wal-Mart, Giant, Starbucks, etc.
        How many people die each year from Malaria? 625,000

        How do you get Malaria? From Mosquitos.

       Is there a vaccine for Malaria? No

       What is the #1 was to avoid getting Malaria? Using Nets


Monday, December 2, 2013

Blog #47

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we went over our class wide PowerPoint that we did right before we went on Thanksgiving break. I thought that all the slides looked very good and my slide that I did also looked very good as well. I personally thought that everybody did a great job on their slides and worked very hard on them for a long time with their groups. Oh yeah, our PowerPoint was on Microfinance, what it does, and how it helps others. I personally like microfinance. I think that it a good chance to give the poor opportunities to start a small business, get a loan, buy a house, etc. We did, in my opinion, much better than the other classes did, but that is me. Well that is all that we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I hope to see you all tomorrow.