Monday, January 13, 2014

Blog #56

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we watched a video called Guns, Germs, and Steel. I found it to be a pretty interesting video because it shows you how the first civilizations on earth got by during droughts, ice ages, and global catastrophes. The man who was actually living in New Guinea, where the video took place at, is a man by the name of Jared Diamond, who is a professor at the University of UCLA. I think that it is amazing how good of hunter gatherers they are, and how they know what trees produce food such as the Sago tree. This tree provides pulp for the people to eat. I kind of agree with his theory that the people of New Guinea worked too hard on hunting and gathering instead of thinking of ways to produce things that would actually help them in the long run. I think that they should have begun farming like the people in the Middle East because then they would have had a surplus of food. That is why I agree with his theory. Well, that is all that we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I will see you all tomorrow.

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