Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blog #46

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class, we heard a lot, and I mean a lot, about his encounters and experiences with Gumby. You all know who Gumby is. He I the little green dude that is made out of clay and he is in a lot of movies. Well, Mr. Schick sure did have some interesting encounters with Gumby. I was laughing so hard that I almost began to cry. It was probably better than stand up comedy. He was a rather bad boy when he was little. He did some very very very bad things. I wish that we had more classes like the one that we had today.  I wish that I could be as funny as he was today. He may have even better than George Lopez and Kevin Hart. They are also two very funny comedians. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I will see you all tomorrow.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Blog #45

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's we made up a class wide PowerPoint on Micro financing and the effects of it. Microfinance is something that helps mostly third world countries and it helps the less fortunate get loans, get businesses started, pay for school, etc. It is also very good because if you are fortunate enough to actually start up a business, and it be successful, if you were to get sued due to some unknown reason, they would help back you up to get some money back. On that note, if there were to be a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or tornado, they would help rebuild your business and give you some money to buy whatever it is that you need to buy. I am personally a fan of Microfinance. I think that it is a very good thing to have. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I will see all of my fans tomorrow. Good night (or good morning depending on where you live).

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Blog #44

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class he was not there, so we had to have a substitute fill in for him. I recognized the man from somewhere, but I could not put my finger on where I noticed him from. He looked like a person that I had for a substitute at my old school, but I was not quite sure. He was a very nice man, and I liked him a lot. Maybe he works at John Carroll. If he does, I have surely never seen him in any classroom before. Maybe, if he works there, I well have him one day as a teacher. After he was there for a couple of minutes, we continued the Peace Corps challenge. I have figured out a couple of the challenges, but I still have to figure out the malaria issue. I have not quite figured it out yet, but I will figure it out eventually. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all on Monday.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blog #43

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we went on the website on which we are doing our project again. I had to go around again and meet with a bunch of different people and see what they had to say. I think that I am leaning toward a guy who wants to sell cell phones to the local villagers so that they can communicate with other villages that surround them. I think that it is a very good idea, so I think I am going to end up giving him the Microfinance because I want to see the village thrive, not  be ripped down. He also seems like a very good guy, and with the cell phones, they could call big businesses and see if they want to do business with them. That would bring money into the village, and all of the little villagers would all live happily ever after. Well, that is what we did in
Mr. Schick's class today. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a nice night.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog #42

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our test from a couple of days ago back. I was rather disappointed that I did not do that well, but it is ok I will make it back up before the semester ends.
I was also a little bit confused because I got a couple correct but he marked them wrong. I am going to have to have a talk, or discussion rather, with him about it. Hopefully he will understand. We also went on the website that we went on yesterday and still worked on the project that we have to do. I think that my group is very intelligent and we will do very well on it. Well, that is all that we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I will see all of my wonderful fans tomorrow. Have a very nice night, or rest of the day, if you are in another part of the world. Bye guys.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Blog #41


       Today in Mr. Schick's class we went on a website, which turned out to be a game, and were on it the whole class. The reason we went on it was because it had to do with the Peace Corps. Corporation. It was actually a pretty cool website because it was a game, but it had a very large purpose to it. It put you, the player, in a real life situation in a third world country, and you have to try to help them out. Once you go there, you are there for two years, just like you would be if you were in the Navy or the Marines. Also, when you leave, you could either improve the country a lot, or you could hurt it even more than how bad it already is. Also, you need to keep an eye on your health because you could get diseases, or some illness that we have never heard of before. Therefore, that is all of what we did I Mr. Schick's class today. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a nice night, or if you read this in the morning, have a nice rest of the day.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blog #40


Today in Mr. Schick's class we took a test on twelve different world leaders. I feel that I did very well on it ,as I studied for it, but you just never know. It was a rather hard test, but it was easily passably and did not kill you for the answers. We also got to use our previous blogs on them, so that helped. If I did not do well I would be rather disappointed but we still have a lot of time left to go in the quarter, so I will have plenty of time to make it up. After that he let us do our blogs. That was very nice of him because I am going to have no time tonight to do it. I have a packed schedule for the next month or so, and I get home around 9:00 to 9:30 at night, and by then I need to eat and take a shower, so it was nice of him to let us do this. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog #39

Ryan Waugh

Today in Mr. Schick's class we looked over a PowerPoint on different countries and different parts of the world. Today I think we looked over 4 different countries or so. I found out a lot of new facts about the President of Mexico. I found out that he cheated on his wife with two different people, and had kids with them. That is like the maximum of pathetic to any human being on the Earth. When ever I get a wife, she would probably kick the you know what out of my. I would not be able to show my face to anybody for weeks after that, if I got caught doing that. I also found out that the leader of Saudi Arabia is 93 years old. That is amazing that he is still in power even at the ripe old age of 93 years old. That just goes to show you how faithful some people can be to their leaders. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog #38

Ryan Waugh

This was an updated version of a previous blog.

Enrique Pena Nieto
The second most powerful man in all of Mexico.
He is the 37th most powerful man in the whole world.

Xi Jinping
Third most powerful man in the whole world.
Rules nearly over 20% of the worlds population.

Pranab Mukherjee
13th President of India
Has been involved in politics for six decades.

Hamid Karzai
Is the twelfth President of Afghanistan
Warned the U.S. of a attack on the U.S. by the Taliban who were connected to the al Qaeda in 2001

Joachim Gauck
He is a former Lutheran Pastor
Took office in March of 2012

Queen Elizabeth II
The 40th most powerful woman in the world.
She has 4 children.

François Hollande
Co-Prince of Andorra.
Used to be a French Politician.

Dilma Rousseff
Is the 20th most powerful person in the world.
2nd most powerful woman in the world.

Nicolas Maduro Moros
Used to be a Venezuelan Politician.
Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Abdallah Bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Sa
8th most powerful person in the world.
Has over 265 billion barrels of crude oil.

Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
23rd most powerful person in the world.
He hates America.

Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian Statesman.
Chairman of The Palestinian Liberation Organization.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blog #37

Ryan Waugh

Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we went over a test that we took the other day in class. I was very happy to find out that I passed ,and ,as far as I know, still have a very good grade. It was actually a very hard test, and a lot o people did not do that well. I feel bad for those people because it could have possibly brought their grade down a little bit. After that we did not do that much. It was nice not to have to do that much because is always good to relax for a little bit. It is always a fun class when you are in Mr. Schick class. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all on Monday. Peace.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blog #36

Ryan Waugh

Enrique Pena Nieto
The second most powerful man in all of Mexico.
He is the 37th most powerful man in the whole world.

Xi Jinping
Third most powerful man in the whole world.
Rules nearly over 20% of the worlds population.

Pranab Mukherjee
13th President of India
Has been involved in politics for six decades.

Hamid Karzai
Is the twelfth President of Afghanistan
Warned the U.S. of a attack on the U.S. by the Taliban who were connected to the al Qaeda in 2001

Joachim Gauck
He is a former Lutheran Pastor
Took office in March of 2012

Queen Elizabeth II
The 40th most powerful woman in the world.
She has 4 children.

François Hollande
Co-Prince of Andorra.
Used to be a French Politician.

Dilma Rousseff
Is the 20th most powerful person in the world.
2nd most powerful woman in the world.

Nicolas Maduro Moros
Used to be a Venezuelan Politician.
Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Abdallah Bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Sa
8th most powerful person in the world.
Has over 265 billion barrels of crude oil.

Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
23rd most powerful person in the world.
He hates America.

Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian Statesman.
Chairman of The Palestinian Liberation Organization.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog #35

Ryan Waugh

Federal Presidential Republic
President Enrique Pena Nieto

President Xi Jinping 

Constitutional Federal Republic
President Pranab Mukherjee

Islamic Republic
President Hamid Karzai

Federal Republic
Joachim Gauck

United Kingdom                                                                                                                   Constitutional Monarchy
Queen Elizabeth II

Presidential Republic
President François Hollande

Federal Republic
President Dilma Rousseff

Presidential Republic
President Nicolas Maduro Moros

Saudi Arabia
Bdallah Bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud

Islamic Republic
Ali Hoseini-Khamenei

Parliamentary Democracy
Mahmoud Abbas


Monday, November 4, 2013

Blog #34

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we took a little test. It was not that hard, but I did not find out about it until a couple of minutes before hand. I felt very confident about it and I did pretty well. We also looked at a PowerPoint on a couple of different things. One of the things was a Nation-State. What a nation-state is it is a state that has its own form or type of government. It can also make treaties with other countries if need be. A perfect example of a nation state is the Vatican City in Rome. We also watched a video from a Canadian teacher. He turned out to be actually a very funny person to listen to. I would definitely attend one of his seminars if I ever got the chance to. I actually found a lot out from him. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope to see you all tomorrow.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blog #33

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we looked at one big PowerPoint on all of the religions that there are. I was shocked to find out that the numbers of some of the religions are not that big at all. For example, Judaism only has 14-17 million people in it. That is the smallest religion in the world. Most of that is also due to the Holocaust. That is why their numbers went down so rapidly. It was all due to the internment camps. Also, some of the ways that they died were brutal. One way was putting them in a room and letting off  poisonous gas, like what they are doing in Syria. Another way was by way of firing squad. What happens here is 5 people line up, with their guns fully loaded, except one of the men have blanks in their gun, so none of the people actually know if they killed them, or feel guilty about it. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all Monday.