Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog #42

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our test from a couple of days ago back. I was rather disappointed that I did not do that well, but it is ok I will make it back up before the semester ends.
I was also a little bit confused because I got a couple correct but he marked them wrong. I am going to have to have a talk, or discussion rather, with him about it. Hopefully he will understand. We also went on the website that we went on yesterday and still worked on the project that we have to do. I think that my group is very intelligent and we will do very well on it. Well, that is all that we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I will see all of my wonderful fans tomorrow. Have a very nice night, or rest of the day, if you are in another part of the world. Bye guys.

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