Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blog #43

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we went on the website on which we are doing our project again. I had to go around again and meet with a bunch of different people and see what they had to say. I think that I am leaning toward a guy who wants to sell cell phones to the local villagers so that they can communicate with other villages that surround them. I think that it is a very good idea, so I think I am going to end up giving him the Microfinance because I want to see the village thrive, not  be ripped down. He also seems like a very good guy, and with the cell phones, they could call big businesses and see if they want to do business with them. That would bring money into the village, and all of the little villagers would all live happily ever after. Well, that is what we did in
Mr. Schick's class today. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a nice night.

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