Saturday, November 23, 2013

Blog #44

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class he was not there, so we had to have a substitute fill in for him. I recognized the man from somewhere, but I could not put my finger on where I noticed him from. He looked like a person that I had for a substitute at my old school, but I was not quite sure. He was a very nice man, and I liked him a lot. Maybe he works at John Carroll. If he does, I have surely never seen him in any classroom before. Maybe, if he works there, I well have him one day as a teacher. After he was there for a couple of minutes, we continued the Peace Corps challenge. I have figured out a couple of the challenges, but I still have to figure out the malaria issue. I have not quite figured it out yet, but I will figure it out eventually. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all on Monday.

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