Monday, November 18, 2013

Blog #41


       Today in Mr. Schick's class we went on a website, which turned out to be a game, and were on it the whole class. The reason we went on it was because it had to do with the Peace Corps. Corporation. It was actually a pretty cool website because it was a game, but it had a very large purpose to it. It put you, the player, in a real life situation in a third world country, and you have to try to help them out. Once you go there, you are there for two years, just like you would be if you were in the Navy or the Marines. Also, when you leave, you could either improve the country a lot, or you could hurt it even more than how bad it already is. Also, you need to keep an eye on your health because you could get diseases, or some illness that we have never heard of before. Therefore, that is all of what we did I Mr. Schick's class today. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a nice night, or if you read this in the morning, have a nice rest of the day.

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