Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blog #33

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we looked at one big PowerPoint on all of the religions that there are. I was shocked to find out that the numbers of some of the religions are not that big at all. For example, Judaism only has 14-17 million people in it. That is the smallest religion in the world. Most of that is also due to the Holocaust. That is why their numbers went down so rapidly. It was all due to the internment camps. Also, some of the ways that they died were brutal. One way was putting them in a room and letting off  poisonous gas, like what they are doing in Syria. Another way was by way of firing squad. What happens here is 5 people line up, with their guns fully loaded, except one of the men have blanks in their gun, so none of the people actually know if they killed them, or feel guilty about it. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all Monday.

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