Monday, September 30, 2013

Blog #17

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about our last blog post. We also went over all of the answers. I was shocked to find out that the United States is ranked 18th in most deaths due to HIV/AIDS. I was disgusted to find that out because we should know better and be smarter than that. We have been learning about these diseases since we were kids but apparently that means nothing to us. I was also amazed that the world has over 7 million people on it. That is a huge amount of people to have on not a very big planet. That is why the unemployment rate is so high and not that many people have jobs. I was shocked to see that 95% of people in Zimbabwe are unemployed. That would explain why they are in such a financial crisis. That is what we did Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you all read my blog tomorrow.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blog #16

Ryan Waugh

  1. What is the population of the United States? The population of the United States is 316,668,567

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population? China, India, European Nation, United States, and Indonesia.

  1. What is the population of Pakistan? 193,238,868

  1. What kind of government does the United States have? Democracy

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe? 95%

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area? Russia

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports? Mexico

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports? China

  1. What country exports more oil than any other? Saudi Arabia

  1. What country imports more oil than any other? United States

  1. What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world? Venezuela

  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? No

  1. What is GDP? gross domestic product

  1. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it? Qatar

  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? No

  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? Africa

  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found
in which continent? Africa

  1. What other country is in the top ten? India

  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? 18th

  1. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? no it is 3rd

  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic? 23.9%

  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? 82.7%

  1. What is Net Migration Rate? The number of people that come into and out of a country

  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? no Libya does

  1. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet? 7,095,217,980

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blog #15

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Human Geography we talked about the birth rate of people and the death rate of people. It was a little sad to see that so many people were dying so fast. I was almost sick to my stomach looking at the numbers. Although, i was happy to see that so many babies were being born so quickly. I learned that a baby is born every 2.4 seconds. I was also happy to see that per woman there was 2 babies being born. What this means is that it is taking up for all the people that are dying and it shows just how fast the world is growing. We also talked about fertility rate. I was a little confused about what it meant, but after Mr. Schick explained it to us, I understood it a little better. He also talked to us about how fertility takes place. It was a little awkward but we eventually got over it. We talked about immigrant workers in America as well. A lot of people felt that they were taking the jobs that the Americans should have, but in all honesty, most immigrants work harder than Americans do. Even Mr. Schick said that. Therefore that is what we did in class today. Hope you all read my blog tomorrow.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog #14

Ryan Waugh

         Today in Mr. Schick's class we finished our test and went into human population. I feel confident about the test because I studied a lot over the past week or week and a half.  I also feel very confident about my answers that I wrote down for the three essay questions. We also looked at the population of the Earth and the birth rate and death rate. I was shocked to find that there are over seven million people in the world. That is an astonishing amount of people to be living on one planet. I was also shocked to find out that a child is born every 2.4 seconds. That just shows how fast the population of the world is growing. Although, many people are also dying along with the births of many new children so the numbers basically eve out. It is horrible to see that so many people are dying so fast. Therefore, that is what we did in human geography today. Hope you read my blog tomorrow.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blog #13

Ryan Waugh

        Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we took a little test on Globalization, a Message to Garcia, and the ancient Greeks. I feel confident about it even though I am yet to finish it. We also had a fire drill which lasted about thirty minutes of our class time. We were confused at first because we didn't initially hear it. Then, we realized that we were having a fire drill so we all went onto the football field outside of the school. It took a little bit before we were all situated but we got it down rather quickly. It was unfortunate that it took time away from our test because I was feeling very confident about it. Therefore, we have to finish the test on Monday before we finish all of the power point presentations. Mr. Schick did a great job keeping everybody in order in the hallway because it was a little hectic in there.  That is what we did in class on Friday. Hope you read my blog again on Monday.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Post #12

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Human Geo we looked at our classes power points that we made. I thought that they all looked amazing and that they were all very well made in general. I also learned a lot more about Globalization. It never ceases to amaze me how much I learn about Globalization every day. Unfortunately, my group did not go, so I was rather sad about that. Well hopefully my group will get to go Friday after we take our test for Human Geo. We also talked about what is going to be on the test. One part of the test is going to be telling about who Socrates is. Which, as we all know if you read my blog, is a Greek Athenian philosopher who once said that the unexamined life is a life not worth living. What he meant was that you need to ask questions about your life such as why certain things happen. That is what we did in class today. Hope you read my blog tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog #11

Ryan Waugh

         Today in class, we looked at a website on how Nike solved it's sweatshop crisis. We also worked more on our power point. During the power point we wrote down more facts about globalization. We also found out that Nike is now paying it's workers minimum wage which is $4.00 a day in Indonesia. I also found out that the workers have to pay ret on the little 9x9 hut Nike provides them with when they first get their job. Nike is also improving it's appearance as a company overall. It is also the biggest manufacturing company it the entire world. It has also been around since the 1970's. Therefore, more people buy their stuff because they are a world renowned company, and all of their products are very nice and will last a long time. That is what we did in class today. See you all tomorrow and hope you read my blog again.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blog #10

Ryan Waugh

            Today in Human Geo we watched a video about Nike sweatshops in Indonesia. The man who went to Indonesia was named Jim Keady and his female assistant Leslie Kretzo. The two went to Indonesia to see what it was like in the towns and how bad the living conditions were. Also, they only lived off of $1.25 a day. The two became very weak and soon became sick. Also, when ever they go to the bathroom, the poop floats to the top of a trench outside of the houses, so it always smells horrible. On that note, ten families all share on bathroom. The houses are also very small. The houses are nine feet by nine feet so it is very crowded. People also don't even have beds to sleep on, so they have too sleep on mats on the cold hard ground. Also, Nike burns excess rubber in the village where all the kids play so the kids are getting diseases and will probably have cancer when they get older. Therefore, it is an overall bad situation in Indonesia. See you all tomorrow.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blog #9

Ryan Waugh

         Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we worked more on our Google document. Also, we had to look up the definition of Globalization for our document. My group found a lot of different definitions. We also looked up photos of globalization. Some of the images we found were a McDonald's in chine and BMW in Africa. We also made a power point presentation which is still a work in progress. But, it was a lot of fun looking up the different photos. We also looked up globalization on Wikipedia to see what we could find out more about it. It was fun to because I learned a lot more about it. I found out that it is spreading through the countries like wildfire. That is what we did in class yesterday.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blog #8

Ryan Waugh

  Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked more about globalization. We discussed about how people in other countries start learning English at the ages of 4 and 5. Also, we spoke about how much of an influence the American language is in other countries because it is the language of business. We also talked about what happened on that horrible and catastrophic day of September 11, 2001. We talked about why Al Qaida attacked the twin towers and the pentagon. We also spoke about who Osama Bin Laden was and what he had against the United States. We spoke about how North Korea and South Korea had a border between them and why. Overall I learned a lot about history today in Mr.Schick's class.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blog #7

Ryan Waugh

                 Today in Mr. Schick's class we worked more on our documents for the test we are having in a week and a half. We also discussed what globalization was and how it works around the world. One example is China getting McDonalds and Taco Bells and stuff like that. Also, we worked on answering the questions that we had written in class yesterday and then discussed them with each other. We also had a discussion about how my friend broke his nose yesterday. It was a very detailed discussion and was a little awkward. We spoke about how fast other continents and countries are growing such as Africa and especially the country of Kenya. We looked at different restaurants in different countries as well. That is what we did in Human Geography today. See you all tomorrow.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Blog #6

Ryan Waugh

Today in Mr. Schick's class we set up a Google document for Human Geo. I am in a group where we set up questions and then answer them as a study guide for a upcoming quiz. Today we wrote questions such as who was Socrates ,and what was the Socratic Method. Also, we got to show what our document looked like on screen and start writing so that the class could see how it works. I thought that was cool because we asked the class some questions about what we were writing. We got to discuss did you know a little bit as well as setting up the document for Google. I also got some popcorn at the start of class from one of the teachers. So hope you read my blog tomorrow.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blog #5

Ryan Waugh

Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we watched a video called Did You Know! Shift Happens, and then discussed it. I learned that in a couple of years China will soon be the  number one English speaking country in the world. I found that to be astonishing because they will soon pass us who speak it as a primary language. I also found it astonishing that people in other parts of the world start learning English at the ages of three and four. Also, I learned that India has more honor kids than America has kids. I was shocked to find that out because America has a lot of kids, and only the honor kids alone in India is more than the us has kids, not even including the other students there.
I also learned that if Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest country in the world. I was shocked to find out that Facebook has so many users that it would be the third largest country in the world next to China and India. Well guys that's it for tonight. Hope to blog again soon.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Blog #4

Ryan Waugh

September 4, 2013


                     Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about the death of Socrates. We also talked about how many chances Socrates had to get away , but refused to run away. We also talked about the affects of hemlock. Hemlock, being a poison, took thirty to forty minutes to kill you from when you drank the hemlock. Also, we learned that you had to walk around for a couple of minutes so that the poison could kick in and take its toll. On that note, hemlock basically made you suffocate to death while you were still conscious and knew what was going on. Socrates also had, as I said earlier, a lot of chances to escape. He felt as though if he ran away that he wouldn't be taken seriously about his philosophies, so he chose to die for them. Also, the guards were willing to unlock the door and turn around and let Socrates walk out, but he refused that option also. Therefore, he was truly a man who stood behind his beliefs. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blog #3

Ryan Waugh


September 3, 2013




            Today in class we talked about the definitions we wrote down over the weekend. I got more of an understanding of the definitions we wrote down over the weekend. I also learned that Mr. Schick would want to go back in time and meet Socrates. Socrates, who was Greek philosopher, also came up with different ideas about the afterlife and stuff like that.  I also learned some more Greek vocabulary. Some of the words I learned were arĂȘte and polis. We also talked about what the words meant and why they used them to talk to people. Also, we discussed about how Socrates died by drinking the poison. On that note, he didn’t die a first but he suffocated to death. I also found out that Mr. Schick is a huge Socrates fan. I hope we do the similar things tomorrow in class.