Monday, September 16, 2013

Blog #10

Ryan Waugh

            Today in Human Geo we watched a video about Nike sweatshops in Indonesia. The man who went to Indonesia was named Jim Keady and his female assistant Leslie Kretzo. The two went to Indonesia to see what it was like in the towns and how bad the living conditions were. Also, they only lived off of $1.25 a day. The two became very weak and soon became sick. Also, when ever they go to the bathroom, the poop floats to the top of a trench outside of the houses, so it always smells horrible. On that note, ten families all share on bathroom. The houses are also very small. The houses are nine feet by nine feet so it is very crowded. People also don't even have beds to sleep on, so they have too sleep on mats on the cold hard ground. Also, Nike burns excess rubber in the village where all the kids play so the kids are getting diseases and will probably have cancer when they get older. Therefore, it is an overall bad situation in Indonesia. See you all tomorrow.

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