Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog #14

Ryan Waugh

         Today in Mr. Schick's class we finished our test and went into human population. I feel confident about the test because I studied a lot over the past week or week and a half.  I also feel very confident about my answers that I wrote down for the three essay questions. We also looked at the population of the Earth and the birth rate and death rate. I was shocked to find that there are over seven million people in the world. That is an astonishing amount of people to be living on one planet. I was also shocked to find out that a child is born every 2.4 seconds. That just shows how fast the population of the world is growing. Although, many people are also dying along with the births of many new children so the numbers basically eve out. It is horrible to see that so many people are dying so fast. Therefore, that is what we did in human geography today. Hope you read my blog tomorrow.

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