Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Blog #4

Ryan Waugh

September 4, 2013


                     Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about the death of Socrates. We also talked about how many chances Socrates had to get away , but refused to run away. We also talked about the affects of hemlock. Hemlock, being a poison, took thirty to forty minutes to kill you from when you drank the hemlock. Also, we learned that you had to walk around for a couple of minutes so that the poison could kick in and take its toll. On that note, hemlock basically made you suffocate to death while you were still conscious and knew what was going on. Socrates also had, as I said earlier, a lot of chances to escape. He felt as though if he ran away that he wouldn't be taken seriously about his philosophies, so he chose to die for them. Also, the guards were willing to unlock the door and turn around and let Socrates walk out, but he refused that option also. Therefore, he was truly a man who stood behind his beliefs. See you tomorrow.

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