Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog #11

Ryan Waugh

         Today in class, we looked at a website on how Nike solved it's sweatshop crisis. We also worked more on our power point. During the power point we wrote down more facts about globalization. We also found out that Nike is now paying it's workers minimum wage which is $4.00 a day in Indonesia. I also found out that the workers have to pay ret on the little 9x9 hut Nike provides them with when they first get their job. Nike is also improving it's appearance as a company overall. It is also the biggest manufacturing company it the entire world. It has also been around since the 1970's. Therefore, more people buy their stuff because they are a world renowned company, and all of their products are very nice and will last a long time. That is what we did in class today. See you all tomorrow and hope you read my blog again.

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