Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blog #13

Ryan Waugh

        Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we took a little test on Globalization, a Message to Garcia, and the ancient Greeks. I feel confident about it even though I am yet to finish it. We also had a fire drill which lasted about thirty minutes of our class time. We were confused at first because we didn't initially hear it. Then, we realized that we were having a fire drill so we all went onto the football field outside of the school. It took a little bit before we were all situated but we got it down rather quickly. It was unfortunate that it took time away from our test because I was feeling very confident about it. Therefore, we have to finish the test on Monday before we finish all of the power point presentations. Mr. Schick did a great job keeping everybody in order in the hallway because it was a little hectic in there.  That is what we did in class on Friday. Hope you read my blog again on Monday.

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