Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blog #15

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Human Geography we talked about the birth rate of people and the death rate of people. It was a little sad to see that so many people were dying so fast. I was almost sick to my stomach looking at the numbers. Although, i was happy to see that so many babies were being born so quickly. I learned that a baby is born every 2.4 seconds. I was also happy to see that per woman there was 2 babies being born. What this means is that it is taking up for all the people that are dying and it shows just how fast the world is growing. We also talked about fertility rate. I was a little confused about what it meant, but after Mr. Schick explained it to us, I understood it a little better. He also talked to us about how fertility takes place. It was a little awkward but we eventually got over it. We talked about immigrant workers in America as well. A lot of people felt that they were taking the jobs that the Americans should have, but in all honesty, most immigrants work harder than Americans do. Even Mr. Schick said that. Therefore that is what we did in class today. Hope you all read my blog tomorrow.

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