Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blog #32

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class , we looked at some more power points that other groups did. I found some of them to be very interesting and very detailed. They also looked very good, along with being informative. We only got to do a couple of slides, but we will get to finish our power point tomorrow. I feel very confident about it because we had a lot of good sources, and a lot of smart people in our group. I kind of messed up on one of the kids names in my group, so that was no good. I felt very embarrassed that that happened. I also got to tell everybody what day it was, but I think they are getting tired of me saying it because now they all give me dirty looks and such. Well that is what we di in Human Geo today. See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blog #31

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our tests back from a couple of days ago. I was very happy to find out that I had gotten a one hundred percent on my quiz, so I was very happy about that. We also went over them and then we discussed them. I was happy to answer the questions, so I did. We also did our power points from yesterday in class today. Unfortunately, my group did not get to go today, but we will get to go tomorrow. I learned a lot from the power point today. Even though it took forever, I learned that Hinduism has three different Gods. I also learned that it is the third largest religion in the world. It has about 2 billion followers, and most of them are from India only. I found that to be very interesting. Well that is what we did in Human Geo today. See you all tomorrow.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Blog #30

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we worked on a power point that is to be presented tomorrow. I feel very confident about it because I am writing all of the stuff on the power point, and I have a lot of smart and witty people in my group. The People in my group are myself, Zach, Logan, and Andrew. All of us all have very good grades and are pretty confident about what we do, and how we do it. We are doing a power point on the religion of Buddhism. I found it very fascinating some of the stuff that I found out about it. I found out that they only have three holidays, which I found awkward because most religions have more than that. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you all read my blog tomorrow.
P.S. Happy Birthday to my little sister, Kyleigh, who turns eleven years old today. Happy Birthday sis.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blog #29

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we took a quiz on the power point that we have been looking at for the past couple of days. I am very happy because I got a one hundred percent, therefore I am very happy and it brought my grade up. I wanted to jump for joy when I found that out. It was a pretty hard quiz too considering I found out about it like three minutes before class started, and a lot of people di not do very well on the quiz. I feel bad for those people because it probably brought their grade down so that is unfortunate. After that we didn't do much and just kind of chilled for the rest of class. It was nice of him to give us a break after such a hard quiz. Well that is what we did in his class yesterday. Hope you all read my blog again Monday.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blog #28

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we watched a video on Nationalism. I agreed with a lot of what the guy said about nationalism because they were very valid reasons. We are also number on in the whole world of adults who believe in angels. That is not exactly a very good thing to be proud of. We are also number one it the world for incarcerated people per capita. That is absolutely appalling and horrible. I feel ashamed myself to see that we are number one in the whole world of people in jail.
We also had a little group discussion about it. I agreed and disagreed with what all the people were saying. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blog #27

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class he ranted about how dumb the reasons are that religious groups have wars over religion. I was not surprised at some of the stuff that he said about why we have religious wars. He said that some of the reasons we have wars is because we look at the bible differently. He also said that the protestant's and the Catholic's have been fighting to the death in Northern Ireland for thousand of years. He also said that was part of the problem for the Sudan civil war was due to religion. That is why they are now two different nations.  He said that different religious groups have been persecuting each others for years. That is what we did and learned about in Mr. Schick's class
today. Hope you learned something new today. See you all tomorrow.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blog #26

Ryan Waugh

       Today Mr. Schick told us a story about when he went to Boston, Massachusetts over the weekend to see his daughter. He said that the first day he want site seeing with his daughter and saw some very beautiful and amazing places. He also told us that the apartment that they were staying in was right across the street from the beautiful Fenway Park. Just keep that in mind. Well, when he was up there it just so happened to be game 6 of the American League Championship Series. He was watching it on his Television and decided to go over and watch Game six in person. Therefore he got in in the fifth or sixth inning and stayed for the rest of the game. During that game, Shane Victorino hit a grand slam home run to basically win the game and send the Boston Red Sox to the World Series. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you all read my log tomorrow.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blog #25

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we took a test that did not count for ma grade or anything like that. It was a rather hard test and I did not understand a lot of what it was saying. I was very confused about the wording to because they were using words that I had never even heard before. I also had a shadow with me that day as well. He also took the test and basically said the same exact thing that I just said in my previous sentences. It was also the last day of spirit week. Therefore, we had a pep rally and everybody was there. Even the shadows were there. I had a lot of fun that day. Well I hope you read my log again tomorrow. Bye guys.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Blog #24

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick'sclass we took a test on a bunch of different stuff. I feel very confident about how i did on the test so hopefully i did very well. A lot of people are very scared about how they did but i think everybody did very well on their quiz because my class has a lot of smart people in it. I thoght that it was relatively easy, but i also studied all last night to prepare for it because i didn't want to fail. We also talked about our quiz and how we think we did. I was also supposed to have a soccer game today, but mdue to all the rain that we have been having for the past three or four days. It is getting very annoying just listening to the rain  just hit the roof of the school and my house. Well that is what we did today in class today. Hope you all read my blog tommorow.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blog #23

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our quizzes back from the day before. I was very happy to find out that I had gotten an A on my quiz. We also went over the answers which was pretty fun actually because we had little debates on them. We also went over population pyramids some more. I was happy to find out that we were a square because that means that we are not losing people, but gaining people gradually. I kind of feel bad for China because they are actually losing people instead of gaining people. Granted, they have a one baby per family restriction because there are so many people that live in China. I was not surprised to see that many African countries were Christmas trees because they are having at least five or six kids per family because they want to be sure that some of their kids will live. Due to all the starvation and diseases, that is what they have to do there. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you all read my blog tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Blog #22

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we took a quiz on the documentary God Grew Tired of Us. I really liked that movie and all of the people in it. I thought that the quiz was rather easy, and we got to use our blog's as resources to help us on the quiz. We also got cupcakes today. It was my friend Erika's birthday and so she brought in cupcakes as a treat for all of us. I don't know where they were from, but I should probably ask her tomorrow to see where she got them from. My friend Matt got his cupcake thrown away because it was upside down on the desk, but he got to get a new one from Mr. Schick. Mr. Schick even offered us a cupcake for the road, but I don't think anyone took one for the road. Well, that's what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you read my blog again tomorrow.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Blog #21

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we finished watching the documentary God Grew Tired of Us. I was very happy to find out that they are all trying to help the lost boys still in Africa even though they are in the United States, and doing well for themselves. I think my favorite is John Bul because he is such a kind and caring person and he never forgets where he came from. He is also just a great person because he is always sending money to the lost boys and so does Panther. Panther is almost as great a person, if not a better, person compared to John Bul. They have so much in common with each other it is scary. They are both such great people. I hope to meet them one day in the near future. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you read my blog tomorrow.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Blog #20

Ryan Waugh

Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we got our first tests back. I thought I did very well, but I would have liked to have done better. I still have a great grade overall and that's all that really matters when it comes down to it. We also watched more of the documentary on the lost boys of Sudan, but now they have been in America for a month and are starting to look for jobs and get used to things that are natural to us. For example, they have learned how to use electricity and how turn the lights on and off. Also,  they are learning how to use the television, refrigerator, freezer, and how to call people on their new house phones. All of the people that have already come to America are now trying to locate their parents to try to find out where they are and if they are ok and even still alive. Most of the boys have not seen their parents since they were five and six years old. I feel really bad for them because I could never live without my parents. It must be very hard for them. Therefore, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. Hope you read my blog again Monday.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog #19

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we continued watching God Grew Tired of Us. I have a lot of respect for the people who had to travel all that way just so that they could feel safe and not have to be scared for their lives. I feel bad for Panther though because he had to see his parents brutally murdered in front of him and now he will be scared for life. It is very hard to see your parents brutally killed right in front of your eyes. I would be very sad and not be able to live without my parents because they are everything to me. I like how they are already in New York and Pennsylvania yet they still stay connected to the lost boys and their heritage. I find it amazing how connected they stay to those two things. It must take a lot of strength to do that.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blog #18

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we watched part of a movie about the people who had to flee from Sudan in 1983 when a civil war broke out. I was shocked to see that there were 27,000 men who had to flee Sudan just to stay alive because of the civil war. The leader of North Sudan said that every South Sudan boy had to die, and if they didn't die then they had to be tortured. One way of torturing the young men was by cutting lines in their head so that they would be there forever and nobody would find them attractive. They first fled to Ethiopia where they where for three years until the Ethiopian government completely fell and so they were forced out of Ethiopia. Then they fled to Kenya where they felt safe and would not have to fear for their lives. When they got there they only had 12,000 boys left. The rest of them either died of wild animal attacks, explosives, starvation, or dehydration. When they got there the had found that the united nations had set up a refugee camp for them so that they could live there for as long as they needed. They also provided them with food and shelter so they could live along with food. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you read my blog tomorrow.