Friday, October 11, 2013

Blog #24

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick'sclass we took a test on a bunch of different stuff. I feel very confident about how i did on the test so hopefully i did very well. A lot of people are very scared about how they did but i think everybody did very well on their quiz because my class has a lot of smart people in it. I thoght that it was relatively easy, but i also studied all last night to prepare for it because i didn't want to fail. We also talked about our quiz and how we think we did. I was also supposed to have a soccer game today, but mdue to all the rain that we have been having for the past three or four days. It is getting very annoying just listening to the rain  just hit the roof of the school and my house. Well that is what we did today in class today. Hope you all read my blog tommorow.

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