Saturday, December 14, 2013

Blog #52

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we got our study guide to our Human Geo exam. From the looks it, it seems like it is going to be a relatively easy exam. I feel very confident about it because I have paid a lot of attention in class and, in my mind, have taken down very good notes. After he gave it to us, he went over all of the sections that are on it with us. I thought that he did a very good job on going over all of the sections. He gave us very detailed descriptions on what the questions are going to be like. Also, I would like to point out that this is my 52 blog. Lets take a look at the number 52 for a moment. That was a great number of a great player who used to play for the Baltimore Ravens. The mans name was Ray Lewis. I even wrote a letter to him last year which actually ended up being read on a radio station. So, everybody in Maryland who was listening to the radio at the time heard it. That is why I wanted to point that out to all of you. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. I will see you all on Monday.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blog #51

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we did not do that much, which was very nice because after you have a four day weekend, you don't really want to do that much. Over the weekend, we just so happened to get over four inches of snow which is a snowboarders heaven when you are a kid. So what do you think that I did. You guessed it, I went snowboarding with one of my good friends Garrett. I haven't seen him in about two months so it was good to see him again. We built a ramp and everything. The only downside is that on one of my runs I got hurt really bad, which, kind of sucked. Back to the point, all that we did in Mr. Schick's class today was go over a quiz that we did before we had our very long weekend. Well, that is all that we did in Mr. Schick's class. I will see you all the next time I have Human Geo.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Blog #50

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's we took a little quiz on Microfinance an Microloans. Even though I found out about it like five minutes before it was time to take it, I still got a one hundred on the quiz. Although, there was a little bit of controversy after it with a girl that is not to be named at the time of my blog. She was so mad that she even started crying in anger, which, and I know this is going to sound horrible, but it was actually pretty funny. After we took our quiz he want and graded them, which took about five or ten minutes, and that is when I found out that I got a one hundred. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all again on Monday.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blog #49

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we looked over a PowerPoint that he did on Microfinance and Microloans and what they do and what they are. He also spoke about what kind of people they help and where they are most useful, such as third world countries in Africa and all over the world. He asked us to help him with it as well. I thought that was kind of him because at least we all have a say on what goes into the PowerPoint's that he does. I have to give it to him, he makes a really good PowerPoint and a very good blog as well. After that, he talked to us briefly about the speech and debate team such as hen they practice, meet up, practice times, locations, etc. It was actually pretty interesting on what he had to say and what the speech and debate team is about. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. I will see you all on either Friday or Saturday. Bye now.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Blog #48

Ryan Waugh

       What are Microloans? Microloans are small loans that will help businesses get started.

       Who do they help? They help the people that usually would not be able to get loans.

       What does Kiva do? Kiva gives people microloans to start businesses.
       How can small businesses help the local economy? It provides good and money for the local economy.

       How are large businesses hurting little ones? Because they can buy more goods cheaper.

       What is an example of a big business? Wal-Mart, Giant, Starbucks, etc.
        How many people die each year from Malaria? 625,000

        How do you get Malaria? From Mosquitos.

       Is there a vaccine for Malaria? No

       What is the #1 was to avoid getting Malaria? Using Nets


Monday, December 2, 2013

Blog #47

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we went over our class wide PowerPoint that we did right before we went on Thanksgiving break. I thought that all the slides looked very good and my slide that I did also looked very good as well. I personally thought that everybody did a great job on their slides and worked very hard on them for a long time with their groups. Oh yeah, our PowerPoint was on Microfinance, what it does, and how it helps others. I personally like microfinance. I think that it a good chance to give the poor opportunities to start a small business, get a loan, buy a house, etc. We did, in my opinion, much better than the other classes did, but that is me. Well that is all that we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I hope to see you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blog #46

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class, we heard a lot, and I mean a lot, about his encounters and experiences with Gumby. You all know who Gumby is. He I the little green dude that is made out of clay and he is in a lot of movies. Well, Mr. Schick sure did have some interesting encounters with Gumby. I was laughing so hard that I almost began to cry. It was probably better than stand up comedy. He was a rather bad boy when he was little. He did some very very very bad things. I wish that we had more classes like the one that we had today.  I wish that I could be as funny as he was today. He may have even better than George Lopez and Kevin Hart. They are also two very funny comedians. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I will see you all tomorrow.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Blog #45

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's we made up a class wide PowerPoint on Micro financing and the effects of it. Microfinance is something that helps mostly third world countries and it helps the less fortunate get loans, get businesses started, pay for school, etc. It is also very good because if you are fortunate enough to actually start up a business, and it be successful, if you were to get sued due to some unknown reason, they would help back you up to get some money back. On that note, if there were to be a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or tornado, they would help rebuild your business and give you some money to buy whatever it is that you need to buy. I am personally a fan of Microfinance. I think that it is a very good thing to have. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I will see all of my fans tomorrow. Good night (or good morning depending on where you live).

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Blog #44

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class he was not there, so we had to have a substitute fill in for him. I recognized the man from somewhere, but I could not put my finger on where I noticed him from. He looked like a person that I had for a substitute at my old school, but I was not quite sure. He was a very nice man, and I liked him a lot. Maybe he works at John Carroll. If he does, I have surely never seen him in any classroom before. Maybe, if he works there, I well have him one day as a teacher. After he was there for a couple of minutes, we continued the Peace Corps challenge. I have figured out a couple of the challenges, but I still have to figure out the malaria issue. I have not quite figured it out yet, but I will figure it out eventually. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all on Monday.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blog #43

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we went on the website on which we are doing our project again. I had to go around again and meet with a bunch of different people and see what they had to say. I think that I am leaning toward a guy who wants to sell cell phones to the local villagers so that they can communicate with other villages that surround them. I think that it is a very good idea, so I think I am going to end up giving him the Microfinance because I want to see the village thrive, not  be ripped down. He also seems like a very good guy, and with the cell phones, they could call big businesses and see if they want to do business with them. That would bring money into the village, and all of the little villagers would all live happily ever after. Well, that is what we did in
Mr. Schick's class today. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a nice night.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog #42

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our test from a couple of days ago back. I was rather disappointed that I did not do that well, but it is ok I will make it back up before the semester ends.
I was also a little bit confused because I got a couple correct but he marked them wrong. I am going to have to have a talk, or discussion rather, with him about it. Hopefully he will understand. We also went on the website that we went on yesterday and still worked on the project that we have to do. I think that my group is very intelligent and we will do very well on it. Well, that is all that we did in Mr. Schick's class today. I will see all of my wonderful fans tomorrow. Have a very nice night, or rest of the day, if you are in another part of the world. Bye guys.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Blog #41


       Today in Mr. Schick's class we went on a website, which turned out to be a game, and were on it the whole class. The reason we went on it was because it had to do with the Peace Corps. Corporation. It was actually a pretty cool website because it was a game, but it had a very large purpose to it. It put you, the player, in a real life situation in a third world country, and you have to try to help them out. Once you go there, you are there for two years, just like you would be if you were in the Navy or the Marines. Also, when you leave, you could either improve the country a lot, or you could hurt it even more than how bad it already is. Also, you need to keep an eye on your health because you could get diseases, or some illness that we have never heard of before. Therefore, that is all of what we did I Mr. Schick's class today. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a nice night, or if you read this in the morning, have a nice rest of the day.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blog #40


Today in Mr. Schick's class we took a test on twelve different world leaders. I feel that I did very well on it ,as I studied for it, but you just never know. It was a rather hard test, but it was easily passably and did not kill you for the answers. We also got to use our previous blogs on them, so that helped. If I did not do well I would be rather disappointed but we still have a lot of time left to go in the quarter, so I will have plenty of time to make it up. After that he let us do our blogs. That was very nice of him because I am going to have no time tonight to do it. I have a packed schedule for the next month or so, and I get home around 9:00 to 9:30 at night, and by then I need to eat and take a shower, so it was nice of him to let us do this. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog #39

Ryan Waugh

Today in Mr. Schick's class we looked over a PowerPoint on different countries and different parts of the world. Today I think we looked over 4 different countries or so. I found out a lot of new facts about the President of Mexico. I found out that he cheated on his wife with two different people, and had kids with them. That is like the maximum of pathetic to any human being on the Earth. When ever I get a wife, she would probably kick the you know what out of my. I would not be able to show my face to anybody for weeks after that, if I got caught doing that. I also found out that the leader of Saudi Arabia is 93 years old. That is amazing that he is still in power even at the ripe old age of 93 years old. That just goes to show you how faithful some people can be to their leaders. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog #38

Ryan Waugh

This was an updated version of a previous blog.

Enrique Pena Nieto
The second most powerful man in all of Mexico.
He is the 37th most powerful man in the whole world.

Xi Jinping
Third most powerful man in the whole world.
Rules nearly over 20% of the worlds population.

Pranab Mukherjee
13th President of India
Has been involved in politics for six decades.

Hamid Karzai
Is the twelfth President of Afghanistan
Warned the U.S. of a attack on the U.S. by the Taliban who were connected to the al Qaeda in 2001

Joachim Gauck
He is a former Lutheran Pastor
Took office in March of 2012

Queen Elizabeth II
The 40th most powerful woman in the world.
She has 4 children.

François Hollande
Co-Prince of Andorra.
Used to be a French Politician.

Dilma Rousseff
Is the 20th most powerful person in the world.
2nd most powerful woman in the world.

Nicolas Maduro Moros
Used to be a Venezuelan Politician.
Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Abdallah Bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Sa
8th most powerful person in the world.
Has over 265 billion barrels of crude oil.

Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
23rd most powerful person in the world.
He hates America.

Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian Statesman.
Chairman of The Palestinian Liberation Organization.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blog #37

Ryan Waugh

Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we went over a test that we took the other day in class. I was very happy to find out that I passed ,and ,as far as I know, still have a very good grade. It was actually a very hard test, and a lot o people did not do that well. I feel bad for those people because it could have possibly brought their grade down a little bit. After that we did not do that much. It was nice not to have to do that much because is always good to relax for a little bit. It is always a fun class when you are in Mr. Schick class. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all on Monday. Peace.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blog #36

Ryan Waugh

Enrique Pena Nieto
The second most powerful man in all of Mexico.
He is the 37th most powerful man in the whole world.

Xi Jinping
Third most powerful man in the whole world.
Rules nearly over 20% of the worlds population.

Pranab Mukherjee
13th President of India
Has been involved in politics for six decades.

Hamid Karzai
Is the twelfth President of Afghanistan
Warned the U.S. of a attack on the U.S. by the Taliban who were connected to the al Qaeda in 2001

Joachim Gauck
He is a former Lutheran Pastor
Took office in March of 2012

Queen Elizabeth II
The 40th most powerful woman in the world.
She has 4 children.

François Hollande
Co-Prince of Andorra.
Used to be a French Politician.

Dilma Rousseff
Is the 20th most powerful person in the world.
2nd most powerful woman in the world.

Nicolas Maduro Moros
Used to be a Venezuelan Politician.
Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Abdallah Bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Sa
8th most powerful person in the world.
Has over 265 billion barrels of crude oil.

Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
23rd most powerful person in the world.
He hates America.

Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian Statesman.
Chairman of The Palestinian Liberation Organization.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog #35

Ryan Waugh

Federal Presidential Republic
President Enrique Pena Nieto

President Xi Jinping 

Constitutional Federal Republic
President Pranab Mukherjee

Islamic Republic
President Hamid Karzai

Federal Republic
Joachim Gauck

United Kingdom                                                                                                                   Constitutional Monarchy
Queen Elizabeth II

Presidential Republic
President François Hollande

Federal Republic
President Dilma Rousseff

Presidential Republic
President Nicolas Maduro Moros

Saudi Arabia
Bdallah Bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud

Islamic Republic
Ali Hoseini-Khamenei

Parliamentary Democracy
Mahmoud Abbas


Monday, November 4, 2013

Blog #34

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we took a little test. It was not that hard, but I did not find out about it until a couple of minutes before hand. I felt very confident about it and I did pretty well. We also looked at a PowerPoint on a couple of different things. One of the things was a Nation-State. What a nation-state is it is a state that has its own form or type of government. It can also make treaties with other countries if need be. A perfect example of a nation state is the Vatican City in Rome. We also watched a video from a Canadian teacher. He turned out to be actually a very funny person to listen to. I would definitely attend one of his seminars if I ever got the chance to. I actually found a lot out from him. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope to see you all tomorrow.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blog #33

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we looked at one big PowerPoint on all of the religions that there are. I was shocked to find out that the numbers of some of the religions are not that big at all. For example, Judaism only has 14-17 million people in it. That is the smallest religion in the world. Most of that is also due to the Holocaust. That is why their numbers went down so rapidly. It was all due to the internment camps. Also, some of the ways that they died were brutal. One way was putting them in a room and letting off  poisonous gas, like what they are doing in Syria. Another way was by way of firing squad. What happens here is 5 people line up, with their guns fully loaded, except one of the men have blanks in their gun, so none of the people actually know if they killed them, or feel guilty about it. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. See you all Monday.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blog #32

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class , we looked at some more power points that other groups did. I found some of them to be very interesting and very detailed. They also looked very good, along with being informative. We only got to do a couple of slides, but we will get to finish our power point tomorrow. I feel very confident about it because we had a lot of good sources, and a lot of smart people in our group. I kind of messed up on one of the kids names in my group, so that was no good. I felt very embarrassed that that happened. I also got to tell everybody what day it was, but I think they are getting tired of me saying it because now they all give me dirty looks and such. Well that is what we di in Human Geo today. See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blog #31

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our tests back from a couple of days ago. I was very happy to find out that I had gotten a one hundred percent on my quiz, so I was very happy about that. We also went over them and then we discussed them. I was happy to answer the questions, so I did. We also did our power points from yesterday in class today. Unfortunately, my group did not get to go today, but we will get to go tomorrow. I learned a lot from the power point today. Even though it took forever, I learned that Hinduism has three different Gods. I also learned that it is the third largest religion in the world. It has about 2 billion followers, and most of them are from India only. I found that to be very interesting. Well that is what we did in Human Geo today. See you all tomorrow.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Blog #30

Ryan Waugh

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we worked on a power point that is to be presented tomorrow. I feel very confident about it because I am writing all of the stuff on the power point, and I have a lot of smart and witty people in my group. The People in my group are myself, Zach, Logan, and Andrew. All of us all have very good grades and are pretty confident about what we do, and how we do it. We are doing a power point on the religion of Buddhism. I found it very fascinating some of the stuff that I found out about it. I found out that they only have three holidays, which I found awkward because most religions have more than that. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you all read my blog tomorrow.
P.S. Happy Birthday to my little sister, Kyleigh, who turns eleven years old today. Happy Birthday sis.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blog #29

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we took a quiz on the power point that we have been looking at for the past couple of days. I am very happy because I got a one hundred percent, therefore I am very happy and it brought my grade up. I wanted to jump for joy when I found that out. It was a pretty hard quiz too considering I found out about it like three minutes before class started, and a lot of people di not do very well on the quiz. I feel bad for those people because it probably brought their grade down so that is unfortunate. After that we didn't do much and just kind of chilled for the rest of class. It was nice of him to give us a break after such a hard quiz. Well that is what we did in his class yesterday. Hope you all read my blog again Monday.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blog #28

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we watched a video on Nationalism. I agreed with a lot of what the guy said about nationalism because they were very valid reasons. We are also number on in the whole world of adults who believe in angels. That is not exactly a very good thing to be proud of. We are also number one it the world for incarcerated people per capita. That is absolutely appalling and horrible. I feel ashamed myself to see that we are number one in the whole world of people in jail.
We also had a little group discussion about it. I agreed and disagreed with what all the people were saying. Well, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blog #27

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class he ranted about how dumb the reasons are that religious groups have wars over religion. I was not surprised at some of the stuff that he said about why we have religious wars. He said that some of the reasons we have wars is because we look at the bible differently. He also said that the protestant's and the Catholic's have been fighting to the death in Northern Ireland for thousand of years. He also said that was part of the problem for the Sudan civil war was due to religion. That is why they are now two different nations.  He said that different religious groups have been persecuting each others for years. That is what we did and learned about in Mr. Schick's class
today. Hope you learned something new today. See you all tomorrow.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blog #26

Ryan Waugh

       Today Mr. Schick told us a story about when he went to Boston, Massachusetts over the weekend to see his daughter. He said that the first day he want site seeing with his daughter and saw some very beautiful and amazing places. He also told us that the apartment that they were staying in was right across the street from the beautiful Fenway Park. Just keep that in mind. Well, when he was up there it just so happened to be game 6 of the American League Championship Series. He was watching it on his Television and decided to go over and watch Game six in person. Therefore he got in in the fifth or sixth inning and stayed for the rest of the game. During that game, Shane Victorino hit a grand slam home run to basically win the game and send the Boston Red Sox to the World Series. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you all read my log tomorrow.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blog #25

Ryan Waugh

       Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we took a test that did not count for ma grade or anything like that. It was a rather hard test and I did not understand a lot of what it was saying. I was very confused about the wording to because they were using words that I had never even heard before. I also had a shadow with me that day as well. He also took the test and basically said the same exact thing that I just said in my previous sentences. It was also the last day of spirit week. Therefore, we had a pep rally and everybody was there. Even the shadows were there. I had a lot of fun that day. Well I hope you read my log again tomorrow. Bye guys.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Blog #24

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick'sclass we took a test on a bunch of different stuff. I feel very confident about how i did on the test so hopefully i did very well. A lot of people are very scared about how they did but i think everybody did very well on their quiz because my class has a lot of smart people in it. I thoght that it was relatively easy, but i also studied all last night to prepare for it because i didn't want to fail. We also talked about our quiz and how we think we did. I was also supposed to have a soccer game today, but mdue to all the rain that we have been having for the past three or four days. It is getting very annoying just listening to the rain  just hit the roof of the school and my house. Well that is what we did today in class today. Hope you all read my blog tommorow.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blog #23

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our quizzes back from the day before. I was very happy to find out that I had gotten an A on my quiz. We also went over the answers which was pretty fun actually because we had little debates on them. We also went over population pyramids some more. I was happy to find out that we were a square because that means that we are not losing people, but gaining people gradually. I kind of feel bad for China because they are actually losing people instead of gaining people. Granted, they have a one baby per family restriction because there are so many people that live in China. I was not surprised to see that many African countries were Christmas trees because they are having at least five or six kids per family because they want to be sure that some of their kids will live. Due to all the starvation and diseases, that is what they have to do there. Well that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you all read my blog tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Blog #22

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we took a quiz on the documentary God Grew Tired of Us. I really liked that movie and all of the people in it. I thought that the quiz was rather easy, and we got to use our blog's as resources to help us on the quiz. We also got cupcakes today. It was my friend Erika's birthday and so she brought in cupcakes as a treat for all of us. I don't know where they were from, but I should probably ask her tomorrow to see where she got them from. My friend Matt got his cupcake thrown away because it was upside down on the desk, but he got to get a new one from Mr. Schick. Mr. Schick even offered us a cupcake for the road, but I don't think anyone took one for the road. Well, that's what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you read my blog again tomorrow.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Blog #21

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we finished watching the documentary God Grew Tired of Us. I was very happy to find out that they are all trying to help the lost boys still in Africa even though they are in the United States, and doing well for themselves. I think my favorite is John Bul because he is such a kind and caring person and he never forgets where he came from. He is also just a great person because he is always sending money to the lost boys and so does Panther. Panther is almost as great a person, if not a better, person compared to John Bul. They have so much in common with each other it is scary. They are both such great people. I hope to meet them one day in the near future. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you read my blog tomorrow.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Blog #20

Ryan Waugh

Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we got our first tests back. I thought I did very well, but I would have liked to have done better. I still have a great grade overall and that's all that really matters when it comes down to it. We also watched more of the documentary on the lost boys of Sudan, but now they have been in America for a month and are starting to look for jobs and get used to things that are natural to us. For example, they have learned how to use electricity and how turn the lights on and off. Also,  they are learning how to use the television, refrigerator, freezer, and how to call people on their new house phones. All of the people that have already come to America are now trying to locate their parents to try to find out where they are and if they are ok and even still alive. Most of the boys have not seen their parents since they were five and six years old. I feel really bad for them because I could never live without my parents. It must be very hard for them. Therefore, that is what we did in Mr. Schick's class yesterday. Hope you read my blog again Monday.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog #19

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we continued watching God Grew Tired of Us. I have a lot of respect for the people who had to travel all that way just so that they could feel safe and not have to be scared for their lives. I feel bad for Panther though because he had to see his parents brutally murdered in front of him and now he will be scared for life. It is very hard to see your parents brutally killed right in front of your eyes. I would be very sad and not be able to live without my parents because they are everything to me. I like how they are already in New York and Pennsylvania yet they still stay connected to the lost boys and their heritage. I find it amazing how connected they stay to those two things. It must take a lot of strength to do that.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blog #18

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we watched part of a movie about the people who had to flee from Sudan in 1983 when a civil war broke out. I was shocked to see that there were 27,000 men who had to flee Sudan just to stay alive because of the civil war. The leader of North Sudan said that every South Sudan boy had to die, and if they didn't die then they had to be tortured. One way of torturing the young men was by cutting lines in their head so that they would be there forever and nobody would find them attractive. They first fled to Ethiopia where they where for three years until the Ethiopian government completely fell and so they were forced out of Ethiopia. Then they fled to Kenya where they felt safe and would not have to fear for their lives. When they got there they only had 12,000 boys left. The rest of them either died of wild animal attacks, explosives, starvation, or dehydration. When they got there the had found that the united nations had set up a refugee camp for them so that they could live there for as long as they needed. They also provided them with food and shelter so they could live along with food. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you read my blog tomorrow.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Blog #17

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about our last blog post. We also went over all of the answers. I was shocked to find out that the United States is ranked 18th in most deaths due to HIV/AIDS. I was disgusted to find that out because we should know better and be smarter than that. We have been learning about these diseases since we were kids but apparently that means nothing to us. I was also amazed that the world has over 7 million people on it. That is a huge amount of people to have on not a very big planet. That is why the unemployment rate is so high and not that many people have jobs. I was shocked to see that 95% of people in Zimbabwe are unemployed. That would explain why they are in such a financial crisis. That is what we did Mr. Schick's class today. Hope you all read my blog tomorrow.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blog #16

Ryan Waugh

  1. What is the population of the United States? The population of the United States is 316,668,567

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population? China, India, European Nation, United States, and Indonesia.

  1. What is the population of Pakistan? 193,238,868

  1. What kind of government does the United States have? Democracy

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe? 95%

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area? Russia

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports? Mexico

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports? China

  1. What country exports more oil than any other? Saudi Arabia

  1. What country imports more oil than any other? United States

  1. What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world? Venezuela

  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? No

  1. What is GDP? gross domestic product

  1. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it? Qatar

  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? No

  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? Africa

  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found
in which continent? Africa

  1. What other country is in the top ten? India

  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? 18th

  1. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? no it is 3rd

  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic? 23.9%

  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? 82.7%

  1. What is Net Migration Rate? The number of people that come into and out of a country

  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? no Libya does

  1. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet? 7,095,217,980

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blog #15

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Human Geography we talked about the birth rate of people and the death rate of people. It was a little sad to see that so many people were dying so fast. I was almost sick to my stomach looking at the numbers. Although, i was happy to see that so many babies were being born so quickly. I learned that a baby is born every 2.4 seconds. I was also happy to see that per woman there was 2 babies being born. What this means is that it is taking up for all the people that are dying and it shows just how fast the world is growing. We also talked about fertility rate. I was a little confused about what it meant, but after Mr. Schick explained it to us, I understood it a little better. He also talked to us about how fertility takes place. It was a little awkward but we eventually got over it. We talked about immigrant workers in America as well. A lot of people felt that they were taking the jobs that the Americans should have, but in all honesty, most immigrants work harder than Americans do. Even Mr. Schick said that. Therefore that is what we did in class today. Hope you all read my blog tomorrow.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog #14

Ryan Waugh

         Today in Mr. Schick's class we finished our test and went into human population. I feel confident about the test because I studied a lot over the past week or week and a half.  I also feel very confident about my answers that I wrote down for the three essay questions. We also looked at the population of the Earth and the birth rate and death rate. I was shocked to find that there are over seven million people in the world. That is an astonishing amount of people to be living on one planet. I was also shocked to find out that a child is born every 2.4 seconds. That just shows how fast the population of the world is growing. Although, many people are also dying along with the births of many new children so the numbers basically eve out. It is horrible to see that so many people are dying so fast. Therefore, that is what we did in human geography today. Hope you read my blog tomorrow.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blog #13

Ryan Waugh

        Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we took a little test on Globalization, a Message to Garcia, and the ancient Greeks. I feel confident about it even though I am yet to finish it. We also had a fire drill which lasted about thirty minutes of our class time. We were confused at first because we didn't initially hear it. Then, we realized that we were having a fire drill so we all went onto the football field outside of the school. It took a little bit before we were all situated but we got it down rather quickly. It was unfortunate that it took time away from our test because I was feeling very confident about it. Therefore, we have to finish the test on Monday before we finish all of the power point presentations. Mr. Schick did a great job keeping everybody in order in the hallway because it was a little hectic in there.  That is what we did in class on Friday. Hope you read my blog again on Monday.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Post #12

Ryan Waugh

       Today in Human Geo we looked at our classes power points that we made. I thought that they all looked amazing and that they were all very well made in general. I also learned a lot more about Globalization. It never ceases to amaze me how much I learn about Globalization every day. Unfortunately, my group did not go, so I was rather sad about that. Well hopefully my group will get to go Friday after we take our test for Human Geo. We also talked about what is going to be on the test. One part of the test is going to be telling about who Socrates is. Which, as we all know if you read my blog, is a Greek Athenian philosopher who once said that the unexamined life is a life not worth living. What he meant was that you need to ask questions about your life such as why certain things happen. That is what we did in class today. Hope you read my blog tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog #11

Ryan Waugh

         Today in class, we looked at a website on how Nike solved it's sweatshop crisis. We also worked more on our power point. During the power point we wrote down more facts about globalization. We also found out that Nike is now paying it's workers minimum wage which is $4.00 a day in Indonesia. I also found out that the workers have to pay ret on the little 9x9 hut Nike provides them with when they first get their job. Nike is also improving it's appearance as a company overall. It is also the biggest manufacturing company it the entire world. It has also been around since the 1970's. Therefore, more people buy their stuff because they are a world renowned company, and all of their products are very nice and will last a long time. That is what we did in class today. See you all tomorrow and hope you read my blog again.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blog #10

Ryan Waugh

            Today in Human Geo we watched a video about Nike sweatshops in Indonesia. The man who went to Indonesia was named Jim Keady and his female assistant Leslie Kretzo. The two went to Indonesia to see what it was like in the towns and how bad the living conditions were. Also, they only lived off of $1.25 a day. The two became very weak and soon became sick. Also, when ever they go to the bathroom, the poop floats to the top of a trench outside of the houses, so it always smells horrible. On that note, ten families all share on bathroom. The houses are also very small. The houses are nine feet by nine feet so it is very crowded. People also don't even have beds to sleep on, so they have too sleep on mats on the cold hard ground. Also, Nike burns excess rubber in the village where all the kids play so the kids are getting diseases and will probably have cancer when they get older. Therefore, it is an overall bad situation in Indonesia. See you all tomorrow.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blog #9

Ryan Waugh

         Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we worked more on our Google document. Also, we had to look up the definition of Globalization for our document. My group found a lot of different definitions. We also looked up photos of globalization. Some of the images we found were a McDonald's in chine and BMW in Africa. We also made a power point presentation which is still a work in progress. But, it was a lot of fun looking up the different photos. We also looked up globalization on Wikipedia to see what we could find out more about it. It was fun to because I learned a lot more about it. I found out that it is spreading through the countries like wildfire. That is what we did in class yesterday.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blog #8

Ryan Waugh

  Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked more about globalization. We discussed about how people in other countries start learning English at the ages of 4 and 5. Also, we spoke about how much of an influence the American language is in other countries because it is the language of business. We also talked about what happened on that horrible and catastrophic day of September 11, 2001. We talked about why Al Qaida attacked the twin towers and the pentagon. We also spoke about who Osama Bin Laden was and what he had against the United States. We spoke about how North Korea and South Korea had a border between them and why. Overall I learned a lot about history today in Mr.Schick's class.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blog #7

Ryan Waugh

                 Today in Mr. Schick's class we worked more on our documents for the test we are having in a week and a half. We also discussed what globalization was and how it works around the world. One example is China getting McDonalds and Taco Bells and stuff like that. Also, we worked on answering the questions that we had written in class yesterday and then discussed them with each other. We also had a discussion about how my friend broke his nose yesterday. It was a very detailed discussion and was a little awkward. We spoke about how fast other continents and countries are growing such as Africa and especially the country of Kenya. We looked at different restaurants in different countries as well. That is what we did in Human Geography today. See you all tomorrow.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Blog #6

Ryan Waugh

Today in Mr. Schick's class we set up a Google document for Human Geo. I am in a group where we set up questions and then answer them as a study guide for a upcoming quiz. Today we wrote questions such as who was Socrates ,and what was the Socratic Method. Also, we got to show what our document looked like on screen and start writing so that the class could see how it works. I thought that was cool because we asked the class some questions about what we were writing. We got to discuss did you know a little bit as well as setting up the document for Google. I also got some popcorn at the start of class from one of the teachers. So hope you read my blog tomorrow.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blog #5

Ryan Waugh

Yesterday in Mr. Schick's class we watched a video called Did You Know! Shift Happens, and then discussed it. I learned that in a couple of years China will soon be the  number one English speaking country in the world. I found that to be astonishing because they will soon pass us who speak it as a primary language. I also found it astonishing that people in other parts of the world start learning English at the ages of three and four. Also, I learned that India has more honor kids than America has kids. I was shocked to find that out because America has a lot of kids, and only the honor kids alone in India is more than the us has kids, not even including the other students there.
I also learned that if Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest country in the world. I was shocked to find out that Facebook has so many users that it would be the third largest country in the world next to China and India. Well guys that's it for tonight. Hope to blog again soon.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Blog #4

Ryan Waugh

September 4, 2013


                     Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about the death of Socrates. We also talked about how many chances Socrates had to get away , but refused to run away. We also talked about the affects of hemlock. Hemlock, being a poison, took thirty to forty minutes to kill you from when you drank the hemlock. Also, we learned that you had to walk around for a couple of minutes so that the poison could kick in and take its toll. On that note, hemlock basically made you suffocate to death while you were still conscious and knew what was going on. Socrates also had, as I said earlier, a lot of chances to escape. He felt as though if he ran away that he wouldn't be taken seriously about his philosophies, so he chose to die for them. Also, the guards were willing to unlock the door and turn around and let Socrates walk out, but he refused that option also. Therefore, he was truly a man who stood behind his beliefs. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blog #3

Ryan Waugh


September 3, 2013




            Today in class we talked about the definitions we wrote down over the weekend. I got more of an understanding of the definitions we wrote down over the weekend. I also learned that Mr. Schick would want to go back in time and meet Socrates. Socrates, who was Greek philosopher, also came up with different ideas about the afterlife and stuff like that.  I also learned some more Greek vocabulary. Some of the words I learned were arĂȘte and polis. We also talked about what the words meant and why they used them to talk to people. Also, we discussed about how Socrates died by drinking the poison. On that note, he didn’t die a first but he suffocated to death. I also found out that Mr. Schick is a huge Socrates fan. I hope we do the similar things tomorrow in class.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blog #2

  • I will pay attention in class while the teacher is talking.
  • I will study all my notes and all my homework.
  • I will take notes on important topics that the teacher talks about during class.
  • I will work hard through out the course of the year in my studies, and everything else that I may do.
  • I will not talk in class while the teacher is speaking.

Agora- ancient Greek word for a marketplace, or a place where you would buy something.

Arete- a mountain ridge that is very sharp, or a sharp drop off .

Polis- was a city state in Greece.

508 BC- Athens became one of the first societies in ancient history to use democracy.

Socrates- was a Greek philosopher.

Death of Socrates- Socrates died in 399 BC.

Socratic Method- a form of discussion which stimulates critical thinking.

Idiot in Greek- a private person or layman.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ryan Waugh


August 27, 2013





My First Day at John Carroll


            My first day at John Carroll was very exciting. It was exciting when I walked through the doors of John Carroll because I realized I was starting a whole new chapter in my life. I was also ready to meet new people and move on to bigger and better things in my life. My first class was Algebra 1 where I got to meet Mrs. Kraft who happened to be a very nice lady and a very curious person. I also meet a 2 kids in her class, one was from Kenya and the other was from Canada.

My second class was Human Geography with Mr. Schick who unfortunately couldn’t be there.  From what I have heard, he seems to be a very nice and intelligent man. Also, a lot of people that I know are in that class with me. Although, there are still some new people that I have to meet.

I think I will really enjoy his class. My third class was Physical Education where I got to meet Mr. Fabriziani. I think that will be a very exciting class due to all the sports we will be doing, also, a lot of my friends are in that class. My third class was Intro to Bible where I got to meet Mr. Huber, who seemed to be a cool person. He even gave us nicknames which was cool.

My final two classes were Earth Science with Mr. Perry, and Honors Spanish 1 with Mrs. Anttanasio who were both very nice and kind people. Therefore, My first day at John Carroll went very well.